About A.I.M.
The African Institute for Missions and Ministries (AIM) combines the study of Theology with formal Ministerial training, geared towards world missions and evangelization.
At AIM, we believe in a firm balance between spiritual maturity and academic excellence as we have identified intellectual laziness and spiritual indifference to be the major problems with ministers today, particularly in Africa.
Students are welcome from all denominational backgrounds as AIM is a non-denominational institution that focuses solely on the Biblical approach to theology, ministry and leadership.

Why study at A.I.M.?
At the African Institute for Missions and Ministries (A.I.M.), we are committed to providing students with a sound theological foundation for the expression of all ministry gifts and Christian service; shining a light on missions as the heartbeat of true and effective ministerial endeavors.
Our values
Foster an academic environment where personal, intellectual, and ministerial integrity is upheld.
Employ data-driven methods to aid with decision-making, assessment, and decision-making to create a transparent academic process that drives continuous improvement.
Create an academic environment free of cultural and ethnic bias to give equal opportunities for all to excel and thrive, in line with the missional mandate of the institution.
Train students with a deep understanding and passion for missional activity through an extensive and rich missiology curriculum.
Provide a platform for ministerial relationships and partnerships for the advancement of kingdom work through the creation of an active alumni network.